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Secrets of a Long Beach Plumber

by | Jul 24, 2013 | Latest News

Motorcycle Long Beach

Stop! Don’t read this article if you have a weak heart. Some of the information disclosed may cause nervousness, anxiety, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and other such health concerns.

For years, you have heard rumors that Long Beach’s top plumber, Mr. Fix It Plumbing, has been leading a…well, let’s just say, a risky lifestyle. As if that wasn’t enough, the new generation of young Mr. Fix It’s have been introduced to these risky lifestyles as well. And, from a very young age! Stop the insanity!

Scientists have not figured out why people behave the way they do. While we wait for scientific explanations, how about, in the meantime, we just call them crazy!Rockclimbing

Climbing a 1,000’ rock wall at age 8! Jumping a motorcycle 10’ in the air!LongBeachPlumberMotorcycle These are not activities that average people pursue! Apparently, Mr Fix It has created a crazy brood!

There are many different kinds of risk: physical risk, financial risk, business risk, driving a car on LA freeways risk. Usually, we are pursuing something we want and the risk looks like it is worth it. In business school, they have the risk/reward ratio. Let’s see, I want snow ski off of that 100’ cliff, just like I see guys doing on TV (reward). What is my risk? Well, I have never skied before. Does that matter? Hey, don’t be negative!

Physical risk is one thing; plumbing risk is another. You don’t want to have to climb the walls of your home to escape the rising water level or jump a motorcycle over the sink hole created by the broken drain pipe. Your plumbing systems need to be as risk free as possible. Call Mr. Fix It Plumbing to do that for you.

We understand risk; both physical and plumbing. We are experts at managing risk. The proof of that is that we are still here! We know how to calculate the risk/reward ratio for you regarding decisions to be made about your plumbing.

We also have a Vacation Package, to take the plumbing risk out of leaving home; more about that in a future article.

When we analyze plumbing risk with the risk/reward ratio, the reward is usually important but mundane and the risk is some outsized horrible thing. Just take a look at the “Watch Out for This” section on our web site at www.MrFixItPlumbing.com. You will see a lot of realized risk.

There is no reason for you to experience any of these catastrophes. Just give us a call and we will take care of everything.

Written by Mark Meng

I am a lover of life and like to keep things exciting. Some would says I'm a bit of an adventurer. When I'm not running my business Mr Fix It Plumbing or investing in Real Estate, I like the outdoors.

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