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How the Big One Got Away

by | Jul 15, 2013 | Latest News



All fishermen have a story about how they almost reeled in a Titanic sized fish. In keeping with this fishermen’s tradition, here is Mr. Fix It’s fish story.

Mr. Fix It has been fishing with his dad as far back as he can remember. They fished together in rivers, lakes, and creeks. They fished in various states. They fished from motor boats, row boats, and canoes. They fished mostly for Bass but also caught Blue Gill, Northern Pike, and other fish. “Lucas on Bass Fishing” was the popular read for young Mr. Fix It.

Once at Battle Lake, Minnesota, young Mr. Fix It was in a boat with his dad, brother, and the president of a large insurance company. With six or eight other boats, they were all trolling in a circle. Suddenly, Mr. Fix It got a strike and reeled in a large Northern Pike. Cheers all around! As our boat came around to about the same spot in the circle, Mr. Fix It got another strike and reeled in another large fish. More cheers and congratulations, as well as a little astonishment.

Mr. Fix It’s boat came around to the same spot again; and he reeled in another fish. More astonishment then cheers. Someone started counting down from ten. About at three, Mr. Fix It reeled in another. Two more times that happened, all while no one else caught a thing! That was some of the most unbelievable fishing ever experienced.

Mr. Fix It flew back to Ohio to visit his 89 year old father. His father, who still has a canoe and still loads it on the car racks by himself and still goes fishing, was game to, you guessed it, go fishing. Now, keep in mind, Mr. Fix It pretty much gave up fishing while he was in college and after college struggling to make a career for himself and find his way through life. Keeping his own head above water was more important then pulling a fish head above water.

But to humor pops and partly out of curiosity, they loaded up the canoe and headed toward Hoover Dam outside of Columbus, Ohio. Almost the moment they began to paddle out on the water, a strong sense of deja vu swept over Mr. Fix It. As they cast their plugs, paddled around the edges of the lake, felt the gentle waves rocking the canoe, the perfect temperature of the day, the soft breeze keeping the bugs at bay, Mr. Fix It remembered the peaceful past times fishing with his dad, and Mr. Fix It was swept over with relaxation and a sense of well being.

At peace with his dad and the world, Mr. Fix It got fixed. He didn’t catch any fish that day but the big one that got away was the big headache, the big stress pile, the heavy burden of life and its problems. All of that was left at Hoover Dam; at least for awhile. But wait, that is the drinking water supply for the population of Columbus, Ohio! We hope they don’t notice any negative Karma floating on their drinking water!

Mr Fix It Plumbing will bring peace to your life by solving your plumbing problems. Turn your plumbing problems over to Mr Fix It Plumbing. We will take on the headache and leave you the peace of mind, guaranteed!

Written by Mark Meng

I am a lover of life and like to keep things exciting. Some would says I'm a bit of an adventurer. When I'm not running my business Mr Fix It Plumbing or investing in Real Estate, I like the outdoors.

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