Here are a few suggestions from Mr Fix It Plumbing how to handle plumbing emergencies winter. A Pipe Burst Shut off the main water, reduce pipe pressure by opening the faucets at the lowest level of the home, usually the basement. Then identify the exact location of...
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Stuck On You
Like the old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Recently, Mr Fix It Plumbing’s estimate to repair a shower valve and patch the ceramic tile wall was cast aside by a landlord anxious to save money. The low bidder got the job. After he opened up the...
Hypnotic Eyes
I had just walked over to ask the hotel clerk a simple question, but as I looked at her, I was becoming disorientated and having a hard time remembering what I was standing there for. I was trying not to stare, not to be rude. But I just couldn’t help myself. I was...
Baby Pictures
Pictures of babies and dogs are supposedly good for marketing. Okay then, here are Mr Fix It’s entries into the baby and dog marketing contest. The baby in the picture is clearly comfortable bragging about his mom. He looks pretty cocky about the whole...
What I Want to be True, Is
When we were children, we wanted to be cowboys, policemen, ballerinas, astronauts, doctors, and many other careers. We knew we were not currently those things, but we wanted to become them. We knew the difference between our dreams and reality. Early in my college...
How to Build Your Dream Home in 4 Easy Steps
I bet all of you reading this, know Mr. Fix It Plumbing fixes plumbing systems in all sorts of buildings. I bet all of you reading this did not know Mr. Fix It Plumbing can fix everything. When I say everything, I mean everything! If you are ready to build your dream...