We Served Our Country, Now We’re Here to Serve You!


by | Jul 31, 2022 | Latest News

MFIP Cancer

“You have cancer.”  No way.  What are you talking about?  You have prostate cancer.  How do you know?  Are you sure?

After four prostate biopsies and numerous other exams, including the wonderful digital exam (take a deep breath, yikes!), my doctors determined I had prostate cancer.

One prostate removal surgery and 39 radiation treatments later, my PSA is now 0.04.  Mr Fix It is going to be around as your Long Beach plumber for a while longer, praise God.  If you are male and don’t know what your PSA score is or don’t even know what PSA stands for, time to do some reading my friend.

Or you could always do what my brother did, ignore it.  Don’t go to the doctor for yearly exams.  When you have some kind of pain, don’t go to the doctor then either.  My brother was right, most of the time your body will heal itself because it is a living organism.  But when he was wrong, his body didn’t heal itself and he waited so long to go to the doctor and figure out his back pain was not really back muscle pain, it was prostate cancer that had spread to his left hip bone as well as other bones throughout his body.

My brother died on February 25, 2022.

Early detection is key in health and in plumbing.

The human body can be compared to a house.  Both have a supporting framework; bones in the body, and wood framing in the house.  Both have plumbing systems:  arteries, blood vessels for blood, heart for a pump, lungs for in taking and processing oxygen for the body; similarly your house has pipes for water, waste and gas, pumps, and diaphragms.

Both your body and your house have electrical systems; vastly different amounts of electricity but nevertheless, electricity.  Both have systems for maintaining the temperature, not to hot, not to cold.

Ignoring the systems in your body or your house can be dangerous.  A small problem can turn into a large problem.  Maybe even a deadly problem.  I found my cancer early and lived.  My brother procrastinated and died.

EARLY DETECTION is key in both your body and your house.  An annual visit to the doctor for a general physical is a good idea when we are trying to get the jump on any looming body problems.  Guess what, an annual visit from Mr. Fix It Plumbing is also a good idea because a small leak can grow to become a large leak.  Cancer in your pipes doesn’t just go away either.

And when problems are allowed to grow and do more damage, even if it is not deadly, it becomes more and more expensive to repair.

Please just give us a call.  If you would like, ask us to put you in our computer for an annual visit and we will follow up and make it happen.  One way or the other, it needs to happen.

Mr Fix It Plumbing has been the Long Beach plumber of choice for many years now.

This is deadly serious business so please don’t ignore your body or your house.  Just take that deep breath and give us a call.  The sooner the better.

Written by Mark Meng

I am a lover of life and like to keep things exciting. Some would says I'm a bit of an adventurer. When I'm not running my business Mr Fix It Plumbing or investing in Real Estate, I like the outdoors.

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