News & Updates from Mr Fix it
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Secrets of a Long Beach Plumber
Stop! Don’t read this article if you have a weak heart. Some of the information disclosed may cause nervousness, anxiety, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and other such health concerns. For years, you have heard rumors that Long Beach’s top plumber, Mr. Fix...
How the Big One Got Away
All fishermen have a story about how they almost reeled in a Titanic sized fish. In keeping with this fishermen’s tradition, here is Mr. Fix It’s fish story. Mr. Fix It has been fishing with his dad as far back as he can remember. They fished together in rivers,...
What is hope? I hope you can help me figure it out. I hope I can get a job. I hope I can get a raise. I hope my son realizes the importance of completing his school with A’s instead of being satisfied with F’s. I hope my wife doesn’t divorce me. I hope I can retire...
Long Beach Plumber and The Snake of Doom
The black, gooey, smelly water is bubbling up out of the bathtub drain every time you flush the toilet! The toilet water is running over the edge of the toilet bowl! Your daughter, who is doing the dishes in the kitchen is yelling something about the dishwater...
Mr. Fix It Plumbing on TV, Again
Now that we are on Hollywood’s A-list, we basically call our own shots. Soon, Mr. Fix It, or perhaps Ashley, will be making the rounds of talk shows, hyping a new show starring Mr. Fix It. After the success of the first Bar Rescue segment involving Mr. Fix It Plumbing...
Plumbing Tools
Check out our selection of plumbing tools available from